Chief Judge Crawford has authorized the cancellation of all court proceedings in Seminole and Brevard Counties effective Noon, Tuesday, October 8, 2024, through Thursday, October 10, 2024.
A decision will be made Thursday regarding Friday proceedings.Stay informed by following us on Facebook or X (Twitter). You may also call (321) 637-5700 in Brevard or (407) 665-4945 in Seminole.

Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Courts
Serving the Citizens of Brevard and Seminole Counties

Pro Bono Opportunities

The pro bono opportunities outlined below represent just a few areas where attorneys can use their legal skills in service to our community. If you would like other pro bono opportunities to be added to this list, please send your request to the Chief Judge via the following email:

Artist Rendition of Supreme Court Justice Lewis F. Powell 674 by 982 pixels

U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Lewis Powell, Jr.

Our Commitment to the Community

Equal Justice For All

“Equal justice under law is not merely a caption on the facade of the Supreme Court building; it is perhaps the most inspiring ideal of our society. It is one of the ends for which our entire legal system exists. … It is fundamental that justice should be the same, in substance and availability without regard to economic status.”

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell, Jr.

Areas that Legal Aid needs volunteers:

  • Family law
  • Domestic Violence IFP
  • Bankruptcy
  • Guardianship
  • Attorneys Ad Litem
  • Employment
  • Probate – Simple Wills
  • Consumer – repossession, collection, garnishment, insurance, unfair sales, contract
  • Landlord-Tenant
  • Foreclosure
  • Adopt an Agency (legal work for non-profits serving poor and disadvantaged)

In Brevard County

Attorneys who wish to volunteer for Legal Aid cases can contact:
Sandi Anderson at (321) 631-2500


Pursuant to sections 744. 107 and 744.1075, Florida Statutes, the court may appoint a court monitor to investigate, seek information, examine documents and interview the ward when an issue arises as to the safety and/or well-being of a Ward.

An attorney may add his or her name to the list of court monitors by contacting Collette Colegrove Judicial Assistant to Judge Tesha Ballou.

Phone: (321) 264-6756 | Email


Section 39.01305, Florida Statutes requires the appointment of an attorney to dependent children with certain special needs:

  • Resides in, or is being considered for placement in, a skilled nursing facility;
  • Is prescribed a psychotropic medication and declines to assent to it;
  • Has been diagnosed with a developmental disability;
  • Is being placed in, or is considered for placement in a residential treatment center
  • Is a victim of human trafficking;

Additional needs for an Attorney Ad Litem:

  • 17 year-olds transitioning out of foster care
  • Any stage of a dependency proceeding where a child is alleged or adjudicated dependent

An attorney may add his or her name to the Attorney Ad Litem list by contacting:

John Hubbard, Supervising Attorney for the 18th Judicial Circuit Guardian Ad Litem Program.

Phone: (321) 690-6823 |


The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) program is a project of the Brevard County Bar Association for high conflict family law cases. The GAL is appointed to promote the best interest of the child.

An Attorney may add his or her name to the list of GALs for family law cases by calling: (321) 425-2082

In Seminole County

Attorneys who wish to volunteer in Seminole County for Legal Aid cases can contact any of the agencies below.

Seminole County Legal Aid Society
101 W. Palmetto Avenue
Longwood, FL 32750
Pro Bono Coordinator (407) 834-1660

Funding Florida Legal Aid (Formerly the Florida Bar Foundation)
175 Lookout Place
Suite 100
Maitland, FL 32751
Phone: (407) 960-7000 or 1 (800) 541-2195
Search for available pro bono cases here

Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida
Lake Mary Office (Seminole County) By appointment only!
735 Primera Blvd
Suite 225
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Phone: (407) 322-8983 | Fax: (407) 324-3868

Florida Courts Help available at the touch of a screen:

For constituents, customers, or callers seeking help with family law cases – divorce, adoption, name change, custody, order of protection, and much more – there is now a one-stop source for lots of information aimed at self-represented people. Florida Courts Help is available at app stores as well as online at