Chief Judge Crawford has authorized the cancellation of all court proceedings in Seminole and Brevard Counties effective Noon, Tuesday, October 8, 2024, through Thursday, October 10, 2024.
A decision will be made Thursday regarding Friday proceedings.Stay informed by following us on Facebook or X (Twitter). You may also call (321) 637-5700 in Brevard or (407) 665-4945 in Seminole.

Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Courts
Serving the Citizens of Brevard and Seminole Counties

The Honorable David E. Silverman


Division: 4 - Civil
Judicial AssistantAlexis Leclerc
Office: (321) 617-7284 | Email
Located at the Moore Justice Center Viera, Brevard


Judge Silverman's Policies and Procedures (See Below)

The Eighteenth Judicial Circuit provides procedural instructions for attorneys along with policies that may differ within the guidelines of the law between judges and county or circuit court.

Attorneys in both Brevard and Seminole have the resources offering many new facets of modern technology including but not limited to online scheduling, instructions, provider listings, policies and procedures and much more.

There are courtroom rules and policies governing all divisions of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court. All parties are expected to follow these rules.

Judge Silverman’s Policies and Procedures

Judge Silverman’s – Division 4 – Policies and Procedures


Judge Silverman's Instructions for Appearance by Video Conference

In accordance with applicable instructions from the Governor of the State of Florida, the Florida Supreme Court and the Chief Judge of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit appearance by video conference may be made by complying with the following:

Contact the Court’s Judicial Assistant, Alexis Leclerc, by email at, at least two working days before the hearing to:

  • Confirm having arranged to participate in the video conference.
  • Furnish the Judicial Assistant with scanned copies of any documents to be used or introduced into evidence at the hearing; and,
  • Provide the Judicial Assistant with an email address for yourself and any person you intend to call as a witness at the hearing.

Prior to the hearing be sure you have:

  • Access to a computer, tablet, or phone, that has a microphone and camera;
  • Internet access during the entire hearing;
  • Your driver’s license or other government-issued ID.

Judge Silverman’s Virtual Courtroom can be accessed the following ways:

  • From the calendar, the Microsoft Teams© meeting info can be found on any event titled ‘Judge Silverman VC’. Please click on “Click here to join the meeting” and
    follow the instructions to open the Microsoft Teams© app and click on “Join as guest
  • Enter the following into Microsoft Teams© – Meeting ID: 222 747 638 657; Passcode: 48eFuv

Once the hearing starts:

  • Make sure that you have your microphone and camera turned on;
  • Remember, the Rules of Evidence apply.

For a witness to testify, the witness must have:

  • Access to a video conference-ready, computer, tablet, or phone;
  • An email address; and,
  • A valid government-issued ID.

If the videoconference connection is interrupted, please stand by, and follow instructions to reestablish the connection.




Proposed judgments and orders in Small Claims and County Civil cases assigned to Division IV should be submitted through the Florida Courts E-Filing, unless doing so would constitute an undue burden on a self-represented litigant or impair a self-represented litigant's access to the court system. Instructions for submitting proposed orders and judgments through the E-Filing Portal may be found at Brevard Clerk E-Filing.

Proposed Orders and Judgments submitted through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal should follow the guidelines set forth in the following document: Using DJMCA codes with ICMS. The inclusion of internal document designations is not contemplated by the applicable rules of court setting forth the caption requirements. Proposed Final Judgments and Proposed Orders should be submitted without internal document designations.

If submitting a proposed order or judgment through the E-Filing Portal constitutes an undue burden on a self-represented litigant or impairs a self-represented litigant's access to the court system, a proposed order or judgment may be submitted by other means, upon confirming arrangements for the submission with the Court's Judicial Assistant who may be contacted by email at Failure to follow these filing guidelines may result in your filing being returned or placed in the Correction Queue.

Both Judge Silverman and the Judicial Assistant welcome any input you may have as to how this office may better accomplish this transition. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. 

In case involving a self-represented or pro se party who has not designated an email address, each Order or Judgment shall contain the following order distribution language above the date and above signature line:


It is hereby ORDERED and ADJUDGED that, within 5 days from the filing of this Order/Judgment, the Plaintiff shall:

    1. furnish a copy of this Order/Judgment to each self-represented party by U.S. Mail, first class, postage paid; and,
  1. file a certificate signed by Plaintiff's counsel that delivery of a copy of this Order/Judgment has been made as set forth herein.

If the foregoing statement does not appear - in its entirety, above the date and above signature line - in a case involving a self-represented or pro se litigant, the Order or Judgment may be placed in the Correction Queue and not filed.


Each proposed order or judgment submitted through the E-Filing Portal must be accompanied by a cover letter. If you use this form Cover Letter, you should complete the fields in red and check the appropriate boxes in the form before submitting it. 


  • Each cover letter and proposed order or judgment must be submitted as a separate document.
  • The filer should select himself/herself in the e-service list and serve all other listed recipients by checking the "Serve All" box.
  • The preferred format for document submission is Microsoft Word format (.docx).
  • Although the Portal currently accepts documents in Word and other PDF formats, filers are recommended to submit proposed orders and judgments in Word format to allow for electronic signature.


Proposed Orders and Judgments submitted through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal should follow the guidelines set forth in the following document: Using DJMCA codes with ICMS.


The inclusion of internal document designations is not contemplated by the applicable rules of court setting forth the caption requirements. Proposed Final Judgments and Proposed Orders should be submitted without internal document designations.


In case involving a self-represented or pro se party who has not designated an email address, each Order or Judgment shall contain the following order distribution language above the date and above signature line:


It is hereby ORDERED and ADJUDGED that, within 5 days from the filing of this Order/Judgment, the Plaintiff shall:

    1. furnish a copy of this Order/Judgment to each self-represented party by U.S. Mail, first class, postage paid; and,
  1. file a certificate signed by Plaintiff's counsel that delivery of a copy of this Order/Judgment has been made as set forth herein.

If the foregoing statement does not appear - in its entirety, above the date and above signature line - in a case involving a self-represented or pro se litigant, the Order or Judgment may be placed in the Correction Queue and not filed.


The Court limits the volume of paper documents it receives in civil and small claims cases by utilizing the following procedure.

Orders and Judgments. Counsel should submit proposed Orders and Judgments through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal. Please be advised that the Court may decline to enter any proposed Order or Judgment submitted in paper.

Filed Documents. If a document has been filed in the court file, the document may be viewed by the Court without a paper copy being furnished. Counsel should refrain from furnishing to the Court any duplicative paper copies of previously filed documents.

Folders and Paper Documents. Counsel should not furnish to the Court any folder containing exhibits or any other paper document, without leave of Court. Any folder or document being furnished to the Court should be emailed to the Court’s Judicial Assistant at Counsel may schedule a hearing on any request to furnish to the Court a folder or paper document by following the guidelines on the Scheduling page of this website.

Document Formatting. Any folder or document containing three or more exhibits should be submitted in either Word or .pdf format. The document should contain a table of contents with page numbers linked to the corresponding exhibits. Instructions for linking the page numbers may be found at Insertion of Links and Bookmarks. 

Folder Retrieval. Any folder furnished contrary to the foregoing instructions should be retrieved by counsel within 10 days of email notification from the Judicial Assistant. Failure to retrieve the folder timely may result in the folder being disposed without further notice.


After entry of a Clerk’s Default or a notice that the Clerk will not be issuing a Default, persons requesting entry of a Final Judgment of Eviction may submit the proposed Final Judgment of eviction via the Florida Courts E-Filing.

Proposed Orders and Judgments submitted through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal should follow the guidelines set forth in the following document: Using DJMCA codes with ICMS. The inclusion of internal document designations is not contemplated by the applicable rules of court setting forth the caption requirements. Proposed Final Judgments and Proposed Orders should be submitted without internal document designations.

The Court will review the submission to determine whether entry of the proposed judgment is appropriate. Nothing herein constitutes legal advice and any and all litigants are encouraged to consult with and be represented by a qualified attorney licensed by The Florida Bar.


The Uncontested Dissolution of Marriage hearing may be scheduled in accordance with the procedure set forth on the Scheduling page.

Prior to the final hearing, please upload the proposed Final Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage via the E-Filing portal.

Consistent with the Uniform Procedures for Brevard County Family Division, when submitting a proposed Final Judgment, parties must complete the checklist located within. If a party is seeking the restoration of a prior legal name, that party must appear before the Court, remotely, to present testimony in support thereof. Alternatively, a party seeking the restoration of a prior legal name may submit an affidavit setting forth the matters described in §68.07(3)(k) in lieu of appearing before the Court. If the proposed Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage is submitted via the e-portal, the Cover Letter SHALL contain the following:

  1. A copy of the Driver’s License
  2. Completed UDOM checklist
  3. If seeking to use the name change affidavit alternative, the name change affidavit.
Proposed Orders and Judgments submitted through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal should follow the guidelines set forth in the following document: Using DJMCA codes with ICMS. The inclusion of internal document designations is not contemplated by the applicable rules of court setting forth the caption requirements. Proposed Final Judgments and Proposed Orders should be submitted without internal document designations.


With certain exceptions, the parties in a Small Claims case are required to attend a Pretrial Conference. Under certain circumstances, the Defendant's failure to attend may result in the Defendant being in default. In that event, the Plaintiff may submit a Small Claims Default Final Judgment, provided the conditions set forth in the judgment are satisfied. Any proposed order for the Defendant to complete a Fact Information Sheet, Florida Small Claims Rule 7.343, may be submitted via the E-Filing portal.
Image is purely decorative. Photo of Viera Courthouse 1024 by 768 pixels.
Moore Justice Center
Judge Silverman Holds Court at the Moore Justice Center in
Brevard County

2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, FL 32940-8006
(321) 617-7284

Florida Courts Help available at the touch of a screen:

For constituents, customers, or callers seeking help with family law cases – divorce, adoption, name change, custody, order of protection, and much more – there is now a one-stop source for lots of information aimed at self-represented people. Florida Courts Help is available at app stores as well as online at