The Eighteenth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission announces a vacancy in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit that was created by the retirement of Judge Nancy Maloney. More Information
Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Courts
Serving the Citizens of Brevard and Seminole Counties


WHEREAS the Chief Judge “shall regulate the use of all court facilities,” as provided in 2.215(b)(7), Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration; IT IS ORDERED that all locked jury restrooms are to be used only by the jurors or as any Judge directs. DONE AND ORDERED this 17th day of June 2024.


WHEREAS the Chief Judge “shall regulate the use of all court facilities,” as provided in 2.215(b)(7), Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration; IT IS ORDERED that all locked jury restrooms are to be used only by the jurors or as any Judge directs. DONE AND ORDERED this 6th day of June 2024.

View Case Management Administrative Orders, video tutorial on how to properly complete and submit Case Management Plan/Orders, and more. Please ensure you are utilizing the most recent Case Management Plan and Case Management Order. Click here to view Civil Case Management Orders & Forms (Updated on 4/16/2024)
Case Management Plan/Orders