2012 Admin Order 12-22-b

It is necessary for the Judicial Branch of Government to provide trials by jury in both civil and criminal cases as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America, and the Constitution of the State of Florida. The Clerk of the Courts issues summons according to law to citizens selected for jury service during each scheduled trial period of the circuit and county courts. In the recent past, a significant percentage of citizens receiving summons failed to respond to the summons for various reasons and in the past, the summons have not been enforced. The percentage of prospective jurors not responding to the summons has made it difficult to provide adequate jury pools for trials scheduled for the response period. Section 40.23(3), Florida Statutes provides for a fine and/or contempt of court penalties for failure to respond to a jury summons without sufficient excuse. It is deemed necessary to enforce jury summons to secure the right to a trial by jury to all our citizens in Brevard County. more . . .