Chief Judge Crawford has authorized the cancellation of all court proceedings in Seminole and Brevard Counties effective Noon, Tuesday, October 8, 2024, through Thursday, October 10, 2024.
A decision will be made Thursday regarding Friday proceedings.Stay informed by following us on Facebook or X (Twitter). You may also call (321) 637-5700 in Brevard or (407) 665-4945 in Seminole.

Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Courts
Serving the Citizens of Brevard and Seminole Counties

2010 Admin Order 10-33-b

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that; Pretrial Release is authorized to distribute to the State Attorney and Assistant State Attorneys, the Public Defender and Assistant Public Defenders, and to privately retained counsel, its summary of the criminal histories of defendants appearing at the Brevard County Jail for First Appearance which are derived from the Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC) and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). more . . .

2010 Admin Order 10-30-s

Certain Chapter 39 dependency and Termination of Parental Rights matters that include matters of abuse, abandonment and neglect, may, through an informal and non-adversarial mediation process facilitated by a Supreme Court certified dependency mediator, be resolved in an amicable and expeditious manner and the parties may be facilitated by a Mediator in the identification of issues, the fostering of joint problem solving, the exploration of settlement alternatives to effect resolution of the dispute between two or more parties and the parties may through mediation agree on a means by which the issues may be resolved in order to effect a timely resolution of permanency for children; and It has been found that there are numerous benefits to dependency mediation as delineated in the May 30, 2009 Final Report of the Analysis of Dependency Mediation in Florida Courts prepared by The Harrell Center for the Study of Family Violence IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED THAT; more . . .

2010 Admin Order 10-29-b

IT IS ORDERED that the following administrative order is hereby rescinded: 05-28-B: In Re: Domestic Relations – Attending the Helping Our Children Cope with Divorce Course by Internet

2010 Admin Order 10-18

IT IS ORDERED that all notices of court proceedings to be held in a public facility, and all process compelling appearance at such proceedings, shall include the following language, printed in boldface, 14-point Times New Roman or Courier font: “If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact {identify applicable court personnel by name, address, and telephone number} at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.” IT IS ALSO ORDERED that procedures for obtaining an accommodation and for filing a grievance be posted in each court facility and also on the 18th Judicial Circuit’s website ( IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a written response be provided whenever a request for an accommodation is denied, granted only in part, or if an alternative accommodation is granted. more . . .

2010 Admin Order 10-13-b

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that administrative order 08-14-B reassigning all cases where Phillip Fougerousse, Esq., appears as attorney of record for any party in front of Judge Lisa Davidson is hereby rescinded.

2010 Admin Order 10-08-b

The court having determined that Judge Benjamin B. Garagozlo should not hear cases in which Nationwide Insurance, appears, it is ORDERED that all newly filed cases in which attorney Nationwide Insurance appears as attorney of record shall be reassigned to the next judge in rotation pursuant to pending or existing administrative orders.

2010 Admin Order 10-06-b

It is hereby ORDERED as follows: If the collaborative conflict alternative dispute resolution process is utilized prior to the filing of a petition for dissolution of marriage, a notice of intent to engage in the collaborative conflict alternative dispute resolution process signed by counsel for both parties may be sent to the Family Law Administrative Judge for Brevard County, Florida (Attachment A). In that notice, the date for determining marital assets and the date for valuation of them may be specified.

View Case Management Administrative Orders, video tutorial on how to properly complete and submit Case Management Plan/Orders, and more. Please ensure you are utilizing the most recent Case Management Plan and Case Management Order. Click here to view Civil Case Management Orders & Forms (Updated on 4/16/2024)
Case Management Plan/Orders