Chief Judge Crawford has authorized the cancellation of all court proceedings in Seminole and Brevard Counties effective Noon, Tuesday, October 8, 2024, through Thursday, October 10, 2024.
A decision will be made Thursday regarding Friday proceedings.Stay informed by following us on Facebook or X (Twitter). You may also call (321) 637-5700 in Brevard or (407) 665-4945 in Seminole.

Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Courts
Serving the Citizens of Brevard and Seminole Counties

Juvenile Dependency Court

Brevard & Seminole Counties

The Juvenile Dependency Court is the division of the Circuit Court in each respective county, that has the responsibility for hearing cases involving children who have been abused, neglected or abandoned. Constant changes in our child protection laws have resulted in an increased review of these cases by judges. Dependency Court was established to improve the manner in which these children alleged to be abused, neglected or abandoned, move through the court system and to address these unique challenges.

The Dependency Judge or General Magistrate presides over dependency arraignments, judicial reviews, status hearings, motion hearings, conducts trials on issues of child custody, divorces, and child support. Parents are appointed an attorney if their income meets the requirements for indigency.

If you feel that a child is being abused, neglected or abandoned, please call the Florida Child Abuse Hotline at 1 (800) 962-2873.

Florida Courts Help available at the touch of a screen:

For constituents, customers, or callers seeking help with family law cases – divorce, adoption, name change, custody, order of protection, and much more – there is now a one-stop source for lots of information aimed at self-represented people. Florida Courts Help is available at app stores as well as online at