Brevard Civil Mediation

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Brevard Mediation (Civil Division)

Moore Justice Center -2nd Floor
2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way
Viera, FL 32940
Phone: (321) 635-5065
Fax: (321) 617-7226

NOTE: Until further notice, all small claims and county civil mediations will be conducted telephonically.

What is Mediation?

Mediation is an informal, non-adversarial process in which a neutral, third party (mediator) facilitates and encourages the resolution of a dispute. Parties have an opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process. If they reach a settlement, they can avoid the expense and uncertainty of a trial in which a judge decides the result. The mediator guides the communication process so that everyone may be heard and personal feelings can be separated from the issues. Conflicts are discussed and various solutions are explored in an effort to reach a satisfactory agreement. The mediator may offer suggestions and help parties develop options to resolve the issues, but the final decisions are made by the parties.

What are the Advantages of Mediation?

The mediation process is informal, which typically encourages better communication between the parties. Mediation is confidential. Parties actively participate in the decisions that will affect them. Immediate resolution can occur, which can save the time, money, and stress that is usually associated with a trial. Parties determine the outcome of the case, and they can avoid the uncertainty of a trial.

What Types of Disputes Can County Civil Mediation Help Resolve?

  • Auto Repairs
  • Business/Customer
  • Collection of Accounts
  • Condominium & Homeowner Associations
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Neighbor/Neighborhood
  • Property Damage
  • Workplace Disagreements

Who Attends the Mediation Session?

Only the parties whose names appear on the mediation order and their attorneys, if any, are included in the session. Any third parties allowed in the session will be at the discretion of the mediator and with the approval of the parties.

Is the Mediation Confidential?

The information disclosed in mediation is confidential, except information which is required or permitted to be disclosed by law and that information which is available through other methods. The mediator does not share information nor make recommendations to the judge.

What Happens If An Agreement Is Reached?

If an agreement is reached, the mediator will assist the parties in preparing a document reflecting the terms of the agreement and ask the parties and their attorneys, if applicable, to sign it. The agreement will be submitted to the Court for approval.

What Happens If An Agreement Is Not Reached?

If the parties do not reach agreement on all issues, the mediator will notify the Court so that a trial date can be set.

What are the Qualifications of the Mediators?

Our mediators are Florida Supreme Court Certified.

PLEASE NOTE: This information should not be considered legal advice. If you need legal assistance, you are advised to consult with an attorney.